Mobile Passport Police Application
Mobile Passport Police Application (mPassport Police App)?
Police plays an important role in delivering the passport and related services like police clearance certificate to the citizens of India. Various models of police verification are implemented all across India but the status of activities related to verification implemented in the middle stage are not recorded or tracked in the system. It is mainly because of the manual work involvement in the verification process which includes physical documents (PP forms) across district police headquarters, Thana, Local intelligent unit (LIU)/Criminal investigation department (CID) and field verification team and cause delays in processing the applications as well as making police verification reports.
Due to the increased use of Mobile technology in India such as easy availability of internet over smartphone, wide use of android applications, increased use of big screen tablets, it becomes easier to apply for services and it helped a lot in fast processing and verification of any application.
Due to this big revolution, many state governments come forward and expressed their interest in removing the manual work and start implementing the paperless transactions. Many State police department taken this action to eliminate paper work/delays related to Thana and to improve the field verification processing time.
As per state government planning, a mobile passport police application has been launched for Thana and field verification processing teams in order to improve the field verification processing time.
This application is available for police station users to download in order to easily input the information at applicant’s address and to increase the speed of the field verification process as well as early issuance of police clearance certificate.
Click here to Download the mPassport Police App
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Prakash Verma

Praveen Chauhan

Pradeep Kochhar

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