All Food Business Operators (FBO) in India such as food storage units, Manufacturers, retailers, transporters, distributors, marketers, and petty food retailers need to get an FSSAI Food License before starting their business.

Tips To Avoid Delay in FSSAI Food License

11 Tips for Avoiding Delay in FSSAI License

  1. Choose right kind of food business

    The First and the foremost step to avoid delay in getting food license is that you must choose right kind of food business. There are different types of food businesses in our country and the list is very long. Therefore, it is important that before applying for a food license, you must choose right kind of food business as per your requirements in order to get license from food licensing authority as early as possible. In order to choose right kind of food business, you must understand how many types of food businesses are there and which is the most suitable for you.
  2. Choose right kind of food product categorization code

    Food business operators must choose the correct food product categorization code for which the quick access link is provided by the food licensing authorities.

    Check here for food product categorization code

  3. Submit the correct set of required documents

    After choosing the right food product categorization code, you need to submit the correct set of required documents on the website in order to file application for FSSAI license.

    The documents table for state/central FSSAI license is given below - State license Central License
    1 Form B : fully completed and signed by the owner Form B : fully completed and signed by the owner
    2 Location blueprint Location blueprint
    3 Contact details of the director Contact details of the director
    4 ID proof & address proof of the proprietor ID proof & address proof of the proprietor
    5 List of manufactured food categories FSSAI declaration form
    6 List & detail of machineries Water report from a recognized lab
    6 Valid proof of possession of premises List & detail of machineries
    7 Manufacturer’s NOC & license copy Valid proof of possession of premises
    8 Food safety management system certificate Manufacturer’s NOC & license copy
    9 Partnership affidavit of proprietorship Food safety management system certificate
  4. Find your eligibility criteria for Basic, State or Central Food license Registration

    After this step, the very next thing you need to do is to find your eligibility criteria for state Food License or central Food license which depends upon the type of business you choose. If you want to know your eligibility, you need to understand the eligibility criteria for state Food License or central Food license –

    State Food License

    State license is applicable on medium sized businesses having annual turnover between 12 lakhs to 20 crores. In order to become eligible for state license, food business operators need to carry out the following businesses –
    • Dairy units
    • Slaughtering units
    • Vegetable oil processing units
    • Meat processing units
    • Proprietary foods
    • Restaurants
    • Hotels
    • Re-labelers & replacers

    Central Food License

    Central license is applicable on large sized businesses having annual turnover of more than Rs.20 crores. In case you are having business in one or more state, you need to obtain central license for your head office too. In order to become eligible for central license, food business operators need to carry out the following businesses –
    • Dairy units
    • Slaughtering units
    • Meat processing units
    • Vegetable oil processing units
    • Proprietary foods
    • Re-labelers & Replacers
    • 100% export oriented units
  5. Be Ready For Your Food Inspection

    In the fifth step, get ready for your food inspection. A representative from the food licensing authority visits your business place in order to check the food quality. Food authority representative not only checks the quality but also check the environment in which you are preparing the food. This checking is done by the food licensing authority to analyze the food quality and to ensure that whether the food prepared is suitable for eating or not. Inspection is a mandatory condition and took very seriously by the food licensing authority. In case your quality of food is not up to the mark or up to the standard set by the food licensing authority, your food license application will be cancelled by the food licensing authority.
  6. Mandatory Condition Of License For Food Businesses

    There are some mandatory conditions set by food licensing authority which every food business operator needs to follow in order to get eligible for central/state food license. Click on the link below to understand the mandatory conditions which every food business operator need to follow during the course of its food business.
  7. Understand All Modes Of Payment And Treasury Heads

    Selection of appropriate payment mode is also considered as one of the reason by which you can avoid delay in getting FSSAI license. While doing payment for FSSAI license, you need to understand the time taken by each payment mode to reach state/central government for FSSAI license. You must have knowledge about treasury heads as well. You must know that payment made by food business operator is going in which of the treasury heads. Faster the payment mode, faster it will reach to the state/central authority, faster the approval will be given.
  8. Nominate The Technical Person For Supervising The Production Process

    In order to avoid delay in getting food license, you must nominate at least one technical person who supervises your production process and ensure that everything is going fine. The technical person appointed by the food business operator must possess at least a degree in science with chemistry/bio chemistry/microbiology, food & nutrition or diploma in food technology/dairy chemistry/dairy microbiology/dairy technology/dairy engineering/Veterinary science/oil technology/hotel management and catering technology or any degree or diploma in other discipline in relation to specific business requirements from a recognized institute or university.
  9. Nominate One Person For Complying License Conditions

    It is mandatory for all food business operators to comply with food licensing conditions. Food business operator should nominate one person to analyse whether the given license conditions are met or not. In such cases, you need to fill and upload form IX additionally.
  10. NOC From Central Ground Water Authority (If required)

    In case you are extracting ground water and using it for food processing, it is recommended that you must take NOC from central ground water authority and submit the same along with the Form B of your license application.
  11. Appeal To Commissioner Of Food Safety

    In order to avoid rejection of licensing application, you must respond to the queries of licensing authority within 30 days period. In case your license is rejected, you can only appeal to the commissioner of food safety.

    Check List of Commissioners of Food Safety State Wise

In case you want more clarity on FSSAI Registration or food licensing issues, kindly contact FinacBooks at 8800221252.

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