About Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY)

In India, the people who come under the “poor” category have their limited access to cooking gas (LPG). Use of LPG cylinders for cooking purposes generally seen among the middle class and affluent households. But there can be serious health issues (stroke, heart-related issues, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer etc.) with people engaged in cooking with fossil fuels. WHO reported that about 5 lakhs of deaths in India is due to cooking with unclean cooking fuels.

The government had launched “Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY)” on 01.05.2016 intending to provide clean cooking fuel to every poor household especially in rural areas in India. The scheme had a target to offer deposit-free LPG connections to 5 crore women in India, who belongs to the Below Poverty Line (BPL) which has now been enhanced to 8 crores. Identification of potential beneficiaries under PMUY has been extended by including other categories in addition to SECC list. To attain the enhanced target, the scheme will now also cover all SC/STs households beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) (Gramin), Antyoday Anna Yojana (AAY), Forest dwellers, Most Backward Classes (MBC), Tea & Ex-Tea Garden Tribes, people residing in Islands/ river islands without having any LPG connection.

Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY)

What are the salient features of Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana?

  • LG connection will be given to an adult woman of the Below Poverty Line (BPL), subject to the condition that there shouldn’t be any existing connection in the name of any family member of the household.
  • Eligibility for the LPG connection is recognized according to the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) list.
  • As per PMUY scheme, there would be cash assistance from Central Government up to Rs. 1600/- for new LPG connection.
  • The customer paid the cost of Hot Plate and purchase of the first refill. Here to note is that the customer had choices to take Hot Plate on the purchase of first refill or both based on loan from OMCs at zero interest and recovered via EMIs. No recovery of loan will be effecting for initial 6 refills.

Target Beneficiaries under PMUY scheme

Release of LPG connection under PMUY scheme will be allocated in the name of an adult woman to the BPL family. Initially, the Government covered the below category as target beneficiaries –

  1. Beneficiaries listed in the SECC 2011 list
  2. All SC/STs households beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri AwasYojana (PMAY) (Gramin)
  3. Antyoday Anna Yojana (AAY)
  4. Forest dwellers
  5. Most Backward Classes (MBC)
  6. Tea & Ex-Tea Garden Tribes
  7. People residing in Islands
  8. People residing in river islands.

Documents requirement for Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY)

  • BPL Certificate Authorised by Panchayat Pradhan/Municipality Chairman
  • BPL Ration Card
  • One Photo ID (Aadhar card or Voter ID Card)
  • One Recent Passport Size Photograph
  • Driving License
  • Lease Agreement
  • Telephone/Electricity/Water Bill
  • Copy of Passport
  • Self-declaration attested by Gazetted Officer
  • Ration card
  • Flat Allotment/Possession Letter
  • House Registration Documents
  • LIC Policy
  • Bank/Credit Card Statement

Under PMUY scheme, 5 crore LPG connections are to be provided to BPL households. The Scheme provides financial support of Rs 1600 for each LPG connection to the BPL households, interest-free loan to purchase stove and refill by Oil Marketing Companies. The administrative cost of Rs. 1600 per connection, which includes a cylinder, pressure regulator, booklet, safety hose, etc. would be borne by the Government.

Revised Scheme for Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY)

The targets of the PMUY scheme were revised on February 2018 to provide 8 crore LPG connections with expanded/relaxed identification standards under the scheme Extended (E-PMUY) with an extra allocation of Rs 4800 crore.

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