What is National Scholarship Portal?

National Scholarships Portal is an online website of Indian government to help students with a range of services including online application for national scholarship, receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of different government scholarships. National Scholarships Portal has been launched under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) to simplify the process of applying and availing scholarships for students.

National Scholarship Portal 2019-20

Purpose of National Scholarship Portal

  • Ensure timely disbursement of Scholarships to students
  • A single online platform to announce various scholarships of Central and State Governments
  • Harmonization of different Scholarships schemes & norm
  • Simplifying the process of scholarship application
  • Enabling students to apply for Direct Benefit Transfer

Benefits of National Scholarship Portal

The national scholarship portal not just simplify the process of scholarship, but offers a number of benefits for both, the applicants and the scholarship department of Indian government.

  • Help students stay updated about various scholarships as they can access all information under single website
  • By submitting a single application, the students can apply for all eligible scholarships
  • Saves time as the portal itself suggests the schemes for which a student qualifies
  • Help the department to remove the duplicate applications
  • Helps create master data for Institutions and courses at PAN India level.
  • The website also caters as decision support system (DSS) for Ministries and departments as up-to date information will be available on demand.
  • Detailed MIS reporting that help monitoring complete process of Scholarships distribution i.e. from student registration to delivery of funds

Eligibility Criteria for National Scholarship Scheme

Visit Eligibility Criteria Page and you can check the eligibility by selecting Domicile State, Course Level, Religion, Caste/Gender Category, Gender, and Parent Annual Income.

Guidelines for Registration on National Scholarship Portal

If students are applying first time then they need to register on the portal as fresh applicant by providing accurate information as mentioned on their documents in the Student Registration Form.

Documents to keep before initiating registration process on National Scholarship Portal

  • Educational documents of the students
  • Student Bank account number and IFSC code of the bank account. If you don’t know the Bank IFSC Code, find IFSC code here.
  • Aadhaar Number of the student. If Aadhaar is not available, then Bonafide student certificate from Institute/School and Aadhaar Enrolment ID or Scanned copy of Bank passbook.
  • If Institute/School is different from domicile state of the applicant, then Bonafide student certificate from Institute/School.

Mandatory fields in online application form on National Scholarship Portal

Below mentioned fields are the mandatory fields in online application form –

  • Date of Birth (D.O.B)
  • State of Domicile
  • Scholarship Category - Scholarship schemes are divided in 2 major categories are Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for students studying from Class 1st to Class 10th and Post - Matric Scholarship scheme/Top Class Scholarship Scheme/Merit Cum Means Scholarship Scheme for students studying from Class 11th, 12th and above including courses like ITI, B.SC, B. Com., B. Tech, Medical /students studying top level colleges such as IITs and IIMs/ students doing Technical and Professional courses etc.
  • Name of the student
  • Mobile Number
  • Other fields in online application form

  • Email Id
  • Bank account details
  • Identification Details - Aadhaar Number and Aadhaar Number should link with Bank Account Number.

How to Register Online on National Scholarship Portal?

The process of registration for national scholarship is simple. Below is step-wise process to apply for student scholarship online -

Step: 1 – Visit the official website of National Scholarship portal.

Step: 2 – If you are a new user applying for scholarship for the first time, you need to "Register" yourself on the website as fresh applicant by submitting accurate and authenticated information in form as per the valid documents.

Step: 3 – Submit registration form with details mentioned in “Guidelines for Registration on National Scholarship Portal” section.

Step: 4 – After submitting the application, the default login id and password to log into NSP portal will be sent to the provided mobile number. In case the password is not received, you can use the “forgot password” option at login page.

Step: 5 – Once all steps are done, you can click on “Submit” button to complete or finish the registration process.

Step: 6 – On successfully completing the registration process, students will be provided with a Permanent ID. You need to keep the record of this ID as it will be used for further communication as well as to check the status of your application.

Important Note:
  • The login id and password to log into National Scholarship Portal will be your Application Id and DOB respectively.
  • It is recommended to change your password when you login to the portal for first time.

National Scholarship Renewal

Step 1 - You can login to your account AY: 2019-20 for renewal of your national scholarship using link: https://scholarships.gov.in/renewal/loginPage.action

Step 2 - Your application ID will remain same as your student registration ID to login using above link. Enter Application ID, Password and Captcha to Login to your account.

Important Note:
  • In case of completion of course, you can not apply for renewal.
  • Students eligible for renewal are advised not to apply in fresh category as duplicate applications will be rejected by NSP. In you want to apply for Fresh, withdraw your Renewal Application from NSP.

National Scholarship Scheme Allowance

Type of Financial Assistance Rate for hosteller Rate for Day Scholar
Maintenance Allowance Rs. 10,000/- Per Annum Rs. 5000/- Per Annum
Course Fee Rs. 20,000/- Per Annum Rs. 20,000/- Per Annum
Total Rs. 30,000/- Rs. 25,000/-

Important dates for National Scholarship Scheme 2019-20

Ministry of Minority Affairs

Scheme Scheme Closing Date Defective Verification Institute Verification
Pre Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities Open till 31-10-2019 Open till 15-11-2019 Open till 15-11-2019
Post Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities Open till 31-10-2019 Open till 15-11-2019 Open till 15-11-2019
Merit Cum Means Scholarship For Professional and Technical Courses CS Open till 31-10-2019 Open till 15-11-2019 Open till 15-11-2019

Check details of all schemes dates on https://scholarships.gov.in/

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