What is ITR 6 Form?

It is mandatory for every company to file income tax return in ITR 6 form except the companies already claiming exemption under Section-11 of the income tax act, 1961. Companies claiming exemption under section 11 consists of companies who are earning income from property and using it for religious or charitable purposes.

ITR 6 Form Filing

Who can file ITR 6 Form?

ITR 6 form can be filed by limited company, private limited company and one person company registered in India.

Who cannot file ITR 6 Form?

ITR 6 cannot be filed by the taxpayers falling under the below mentioned categories –

  • Individuals
  • HUF’s
  • Firms
  • Body of Individuals (BOI)
  • Association of persons (AOP)
  • Local authority, and
  • Artificial judiciary person

When should ITR 6 be filed?

ITR 6 should be filed by the taxpayers who are registered as a company under companies act, 1956 or any other law and not claiming exemption under section 11 (earning income from property and using it for religious or charitable purposes) of the income tax act, 1961.

Read Also: Complete Guide on Income from House Property

Due Date for Filing ITR 6 Form

The due date for filing income tax return via ITR 6 form is 30th September.

How to file ITR 6 Form Online?

In order to file ITR 6 form online, you need to submit the online application after following the steps given below –

  1. Enter the required information using digital signature
  2. The data furnished by the taxpayer will then submitted under different applicable schedules given under ITR 6 form.
  3. Electronically verify your submission & you are done.

Keys changes made in ITR 6 Form

The key changes made by the government in ITR 6 form are as follows –

  1. Enter the recognition details as a startup by Department for promotion of industry and internal trade (DPIIT)
  2. Enter declaration details while filing form-2
  3. Bifurcate the donation amount into two modes of payment : Cash & Non-cash
  4. Enter the Turnover/Gross receipts information reported for GST.

Mandatory provisions to take care while filing ITR 6 Form

  1. It is mandatory to e-file your return
  2. It is mandatory to e-verify your return via digital signature.

ITR 6 Form Format

Download ITR 6 Form for Assessment Year 2019-20 by clicking below link –

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