How can I become a CA in India?

Chartered accountancy is one of the most prestigious and toughest courses in the commerce stream. It is governed by a regulatory body named “Institute of chartered accountants of India” that regulates the auditing, accounting, taxation and general business management professions in the country.

Every commerce student has a dream to become a successful chartered accountant and therefore he or she always wants to collect more information regarding “How to become a chartered accountant in India?.” It’s not easy to become a CA. You must possess inner qualities like hard work, passion and dedication in order to complete this course. In case you are not able to give all these things, then CA is not a course for you.

Become Chartered Accountant in India

We will guide you as well as provide you each & every information related to chartered accountancy course.

CA Courses

CA course is divided into 4 parts –

  • CPT
  • IPCC (Integrated professional competence course)
  • Article ship/Practical training
  • CA final

Routes to become Chartered Accountant

There are two routes by which you can enter into this course –

CPT Route to become Chartered Accountant

CPT stands for common proficiency test. Common proficiency test is a test given by CA candidates to get entry into CA course and to enter the next level i.e. integrated professional competence course.

Steps to become CA by CPT Route

You have to follow following steps to become CA by CPT route -

  1. In the first step, you need to register for common proficiency test (CPT) with Institute of chartered accountants of India after passing the 10th Class.
  2. After completing the specified period i.e. 60 days from the registration date, Pass the CPT exam after appearing in the 12th Exam. You can appear for the CPT exam in June & December (twice in a calendar year).
  3. After clearing or passing the CPT exam along with the 12th exam, you are eligible to enter the next level i.e. Integrated professional competence course. You are having the option to enroll for Group 1 or both of the groups. IPCC exam contains 7 papers in total (Group 1 + Group 2)

    Group 1 – 4 papers

    Group 2 – 3 papers

    After passing group 1, you can easily start your article ship.

  4. Before registering for article ship, you also need to complete orientation training of 35 hours and information technology training of 100 hours covering topics such as communication skills, personal development, business environment, office procedure and general knowledge of commercial aspects.

    From this stage, the process will remain same for the candidates who passed the intermediate level of Institute of company secretaries of India (ICSI) and the institute of cost accountants of India.

  5. After completing the study course of 8 months, you are eligible to appear in IPCC exam. IPCC exams are held in May and November (Twice in a calendar year)
  6. The main condition which you need to satisfy in order to join the practical training/ article ship for 3 years under a CA is to clear Group 1 or both the groups. You are eligible to proceed with article ship after clearing Group 1 and you can clear Group 2 along with your article ship in case Group 2 is not cleared in the first attempt.
  7. You are required to complete general management and communication skills course – I (GMCC -1) of 15 days in the first year of your article ship.
  8. After completing the practical training or article ship of 18 months, you are required to complete GMCC course – 2. It should be completed before completion of article ship.
  9. After clearing the IPCC examination for both the groups, you need to proceed with the next level of examination i.e. registration for CA final course.
  10. Make sure that you complete the advance information technology training in the last year of article ship before appearing for CA final examinations.
  11. You need to appear for your final exams after completing the 3 years article ship or during last 6 months of article ship on or before the last day of the month preceding month in which the examination is to be held.

Direct Entry Route to become Chartered Accountant

Most of the candidates who start this course little bit late like after doing graduation or post-graduation can skip the CPT exam. Following steps are taken by the candidates in order to enter into a chartered accountancy course via direct entry route -

  1. Candidates scoring 55% marks in graduation or post-graduation from a commerce stream or 60% marks in other streams are eligible to enroll with ICAI or IPCC for 3 years for both groups.
  2. You need to complete 35 hours of orientation course and 100 hours of IT training before registering for 3 years practical training or article ship. After that, you are eligible to apply for general management and communication skills – 1 course.
  3. In the next level, you need to appear with IPCC examination, you become eligible for IPCC examination only after completing the ninth months of practical training/article ship and eight months of study course simultaneously from the registration date of IPCC course.
  4. After clearing both the groups of IPCC examination, you need to proceed to the next level i.e. CA final exam registration.
  5. You need to complete GMCS – II after completion of 18 months of practical training/Internship. Make sure you need to complete the course before full completion of article ship.
  6. Before appearing for CA final exams, you must complete the last level of training i.e. advanced IT training in the last year of practical training/article ship.
  7. You need to appear for your final exams after completing the 3 years article ship during last 6 months of article ship on or before the last day of the month preceding month in which the examination is to be held.

After clearing both the groups of CA final examination, you become the member of ICAI and you can proudly affix the word “Chartered accountant” before your name.

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