Hectare to Bigha Conversion

Hectare and Bigha both play a very significant role in mapping agricultural lands in India. In real estate business, two factors are very important, one is the pricing and the other one is the size of the property. Before investing a buyer usually look into the price and size of the land to understand whether its value for the money. Whether the residential or commercial or agricultural there can be different units used in India to measure the size of the lands.

Internet is a very powerful tool that can be used to convert any land measurement unit to its real value.

Hectare to Bigha Conversion for Land Measurement

Why the unit conversion method is important for you?

You might have expertise in real estate or you could be a newbie real estate purchaser, in both the cases unit conversion process can help you to understand your estate dimension properly.

What are the commonly used land measurements units?

Acre, square feet, bigha, hectare, gaj, biswa, kanal etc.


Bigha is most commonly used land measurement unit in states like West Bengal, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan in India. The rate of Bigha varies from one state to another.

1 Bigha hovers between the range of 1 to 1/3 to an Acre.


This is a frequently used metric unit which is equivalent to 10,000 sq. metres or 100 Acres. For mapping large property areas Hectare is a very useful measuring unit.

The relation between hectare and Acre:

1 acre = 0.405 Hectare, 1Hectare = 2.27 Acre

The measuring unit Hectare is quite useful for the buyers in understanding the agricultural yield and crop production in the most convenient way. In the agricultural field, farmers should have a proper understanding of Bigha and Hectare and their conversion, to calculate the production in their land.

Let’s check the conversion process of Hectare to Bigha.

1 Hectare to Bigha in Formula (Value of Hectare multiplied by 6.1772 = 1Bigha)

1 Hectare to Bigha = 6.1772

2 Hectares to Bigha =12.3544

3 Hectares to Bigha =18.5316

4 Hectares to Bigha = 24.7088

5 Hectares to Bigha = 30.886

6 Hectares to Bigha = 37.0632

7 Hectares to Bigha= 43.2404

8 Hectares to Bigha= 49.4176

9 Hectares to Bigha= 55.5948

10 Hectares to Bigha = 61.772

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